If you are interested in dental implants, Dr Zak offers Straumann Implants ® and bone augmentation (when necessary).
A smile rehabilitation can consist of a variety of
options, that is veneers, crowns or implants.
Consists of 5 -6 appointments.
First you will need to come and see Dr Zak for a consultation, in which he will be able to observe and decide on the severity and necessary implantation. He will need to take X Rays to analyse the bone structure
and gum health.
The first appointment:
Surgical placement of implant. If needed, bone
augmentation will be done, this is a process of
‘building’ bone through grafting.
The second appointment:
3 Months later. Exposure of the implant.
Healing abudment on implant itself
If necessary, soft tissue augmentation due to
lack of gum structure.
The third appointment:
2 weeks later the placement of the crowns will
take place.
Hover your mouse over the image to check out one of Dr Zak's before and afters with dental implants.